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The Weekly Email Briefing is sponsored by Ozbiz Holdings Pty Ltd as part of the Ozbiz Network. Ozbiz Holdings Pty Ltd neither endorses nor disendorses any part or all of this newsletter. Responsibility for all comments in this Newsletter is accepted by the editor, Jim Munro mailto:[email protected] You are free to use any or all of this Newsletter in any way you wish providing you do not infringe the rights of any individual or entity mentioned here and agree to indemnify Ozbiz Holdings Pty Ltd in any action regarding such use. Ozbiz Solutions Home Page -- Ozbiz Holdings Pty Ltd ACN 073 418 238, REG'D OFFICE: Level 5/574 St Kilda Road, Melbourne 3004 ACCOUNTS: 32 Myeerimba Parade Tweed Heads NSW 2485 Phone: 07 55 999 999 Int: 1300 369 111 (IDD Charges apply) Fax : 07 55 999 888 Int: 61+755 999 888